Does KFC Take EBT Or Food Stamps in 2025?

By Phillip Adcock
Last updated: May 15, 2023
What Can You Buy With EBT At Burger King

It’s a win-win situation if one KFC fast-food place nearby supports the EBT card. Since cooking is one pleasurable activity under usual conditions, it may appear to add to the disadvantaged people’s daily problems. 

For the aged, disabled, or homeless, this is the situation. Many of these persons cannot cook or lack the resources to transport raw food or prepare this at home.

Does KFC Take EBT?

From 2022, KFC will accept EBT funding meal purchases for states participating in the RMP (Restaurant Meals Program). Disadvantaged people who cannot make their meals owing to impairments, old age, or a shortage of secure housing may purchase discounted lunches at KFC under the program.

Because not all areas accept EBT for food payments, it’s important to know which states participate in RMP and which KFC meals are available. Here’s what we discovered

The KFC & EBT? 

KFC would be a chain of chicken restaurants globally recognized with a long history of success with innovation. 

Colonel Harland Sanders – a cook, had the finger-lickin’ excellent recipe—a list of Eleven secret spices and herbs scrawled out over the side of the kitchen door—more than 100 years ago. 

Electronic benefit transfer (EBT) is a debt-like card-based program that allows consumers of government aid like food stamps and pay shops directly for their orders. State governments use this EBT system to distribute benefits and monitor their use.

How Do They Work?

In Which States Does Kfc Accept The EBT?

Can you use EBT at KFC in any state? California, Illinois, Rhode Island, Arizona, and Michigan are among the states that engage in the RMP and accept EBT. However, a state should meet specified federal requirements to approve the EBT system for its inhabitants.

States must also show that they can effectively administer an EBT system, encompassing all regulations and procedures, along with any text or contact, cash reception, cash transactions, cash holding restrictions, and so on.


What Can You Do To Apply For The EBT Program? 

The requirements correlate to the TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) eligibility requirements, a financial support program for low-income families.

As a result, everyone who receives adequate TANF assistance should be qualified for cash assistance through the EBT system, regardless of whether people live in one state with its program or not.

To be considered for the system, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Have a little yearly income.
  • Working part-time or full-time.

You should also meet one of the requirements listed:

  • Be expecting a child.
  • Be under the age of eighteen.
  • Have kids under the age of 18.

What Can You Buy With Ebt Cards?

EBT card

Potato wedge

Although it is one side dish, it can be ordered with any of the sides mentioned above or on its own. If you use the EBT card, you must be careful about KFC’s purchases.


If you want anything sweet to go with your chicken and tender roast beef, all you can do are some biscuits.

Slide of tender roast beef

The tender roasted slide would be a seasoned chicken breast cooked with a unique sauce. It’s delicious, particularly if you enjoy chicken. The main drawback is that this is not as inexpensive as some other KFC items on the menu.

Hot wings

Hot wings are served with potato wedges plus onion rings. Despite the diminutive size of the wings, there would be enough for some individuals to share. As a result, cardholders will find it affordable plus sensible.


The most common dish on the menu is its chicken, which comes with gravy, mashed potatoes, and biscuits. 

 Gravy And Mashed Potatoes 

The gravy and mashed potatoes are ideal for serving alongside KFC’s famous chicken.

What Is SNAP?

The main federal nutrition aid program is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). It delivers advantages to low-income people and families through an Electronic Benefits Transfer card. 

This card could be used to buy qualified food in approved retail food shops, just like the debit card.

Applicants should live in a state where they register and have a specified amount of money in their bank account to be qualified for this program. A household including a member over 60 years old or disabled might have had a greater balance limit.

Does KFC Accept Food Stamps? 

The national food stamp statute gives each state the option of extending SNAP through the RMP. Each state has the option of allowing EBT cards to be used at fast-food businesses such as KFC.

Does KFC take food stamps? Even now, in states where EBT is accepted, KFC outlets are unlikely to accept food stamps. It’s vital to phone ahead to see if a particular KFC accepts food stamps.

You should be aware of various restaurants in the area which admit food stamps. Other eateries that accept this system in RMP-participating areas are listed below:


In several states that participate in the RMP program, it takes EBT at specific locations. Member nations must determine whether to expand SNAP through  RMP, according to SNAP (RMP).

 If you come from a country that engages in the RMP system and meets the program’s eligibility conditions, you must use the EBT cards at KFC.

See more: 7 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Buy with EBT

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Phillip Adcock is the founder and Managing Director of the research agency Shopping Behaviour Xplained (SBXL), a shopping research organization using psychological consumer insight to explain and help consumers answer their questions about stores and services.

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